“Extremely dangerous”
By Edwin and Ethan
Scene description/opening
The scene opens with the camera crew walking towards the band
Lens cap taken off
<Outside walking towards garage>
Phil: Graham… Oi Graham
Phil: Mate… Graham
Phil: Graham!
Graham: Phil what in gods name do you want?
Phil: Look
Graham: shit… someone, someone go get dan, Where's dan?
<Inside garage>
Graham: well as you can probably tell, we’re extremely dangerous. That there, that's Neil. Priest by day all star rocker by night. This one ere is phil hes…
Phil: Thats with a p not an f *
Graham: and.. Well.. okay… the one sat behind us. Thats dan. Me own flesh and blood. And the best for last. Me. graham. I’m the leader of the pack you could say the one who runs this operation.
<band practice>
Graham: Seeing as I’m the leader of this group you best know im singing. I got the voice of an angel me. Straight out of heaven. Least that's what me mam tells me.
Neil: Yeah as he said I’m a full on rocker. I put my balls to the wall and well, i see how it sticks.
Camera person: what does that even mean…
(graham and Neil start a slow argument that builds they are arguing under their breaths.)
Graham: Neil! Stop freaking them out.
Neil: What do you mean I’m just…
Graham: Your making a fool of yourself, of all of us…
Neil: But when i say that it shows im hardcore.
(no longer under breath the argument has become more heated.)
Graham: Nothing is hardcore about.. About anything you just said its pure nonsense.
(full on argument breaks out.)
(camera pans over to see phil licking paint of his fingers and dan in the corner just staring at everyone)
Camera person: so tell me something about yourself
Dan: I’m just here for my Dad…
Talking Head - Graham
Graham: Started off as a kid. It was ethir shopping with mum or band practise with me and ever since i won custody well… can't really go shoppin anymore… can he now.
Cut to band practise
Graham: Okay boys follow after me
(Graham begins to play but snaps strings he continues to play as if nothing happened. Graham then picks up his ukulele. camera zooms to Neil who has also started playing along with graham. After some time the camera pans to the side to reveal phil rocking out to the extreme. The scene ends with phil almost destroying a guitar)
Graham: knew i'd have to use this sooner or later, behold the prized beast! ( swaps out for his ukulele)
Graham: Phill! What are you doing that's expens… semi expensive equipment…
Dan: Oh christ not again please not again
Phil: *screaming*
Neil: Phil stop, seriously dude what the hell
Dan: Phil that better not be broken
(during the whole discourse the camera crew is backing away.)
Taking head - Neil
Neil: ahh yeah i'm sorry about phil yesterday…
(audio over footage of phil acting like a caveman thumping his chest and using the guitar as a spear, the camera crew run away and look back to see him whooping.)
Neil:Ever since i lent him that book on mongolian tribes he hasn't been the same since. He thinks you're a rival tribe, that's why he doesn't trust you guys.
<Next day in garage>
(band walk in and greet the camera crew )
Niel: Here early i see.
Graham: Yeah we ain't even had breakfast yet. About to send phil down to the shops. You want anything? Haha yeah i knew you'd be good… Oi phil get us the usual!
(graham sets down his ukulele)
Phil: i'll get you the usual yeah. Excuse me Neil can i borrow your keys?
Niel: yeah mate, but where's yours?
Phil: I lost them.
Niel: How'd you get here then?
(Phil walking away)
Phil: I slept here.
(Phil walks away as the rest of the band look confused)
(Phil enters the shop looking confused and lost. He begins to walk around the shop looking for graham's food but he is unable to find it. He decides it would be a good idea to ask one of the staff for help.)
Phil: Excuse me love, Do you know where i could find the usual?
Staff: Im sorry?
Phil: You know… The usual. Graham sent me here for it so you've got to have it.
(Staff stares at phil in disbelief)
(The band is patiently waiting for phil to return.)
Dan: What did you tell him to get?
Graham: You know, the usual.
(Phil is distressed as he is unable to figure out what graham meant by the usual. Phil is picking up bags of sweets, looking at them for a minute and then putting them back. Phil is talking to himself under his breath)
Phil: no… no. I'm sure he didn't… or did he… Maybe..
(A customer walks past phil and ignores him.)
Phil: excuse me… you wouldn't know what the usual would be?
(Phil utterly defeated picks up a bag of haribo and takes it to the cashier)
<In car with phil>
(The car journey is silent until the camera person asks phil a question . Ph il responds aggressively)
Camera person: So phil, what did you end up getting.
Phil: I got the usual okay shut up.
Talking heads - phil
Phil: i tried i really did i looked as hard as i could i swear.
<outside the garage>
(Outside the garage the band is waiting for phil to return. The car comes around the corner but tragedy soon insues)
Dan: Dad look, He's back
Graham: Finally i'm starving
(Phil parks the car and the camera crew exits the car)
Neil: Phil mate will you bring her a little closer? I can't walk that far with my back.
Phil: Sure thing mate
(Phil showly brings the car down the driveway. Not seeing that graham had left his ukulele on the drive. Phil runs the ukulele over. The band is in total shock. Everyone is silent. Phil doesn't realise this through and exits the car excited to show the band his haribo.)
Phil: Graham now don't be mad. I asked around for the usual and i couldn't find it. So i got you the best next thi…
Graham: Phil… first… you scare our guests… Second the usual isn't a thing… and now… look what you've done… you've passed the line with this one…. no, you're not only passed the line .
Phil: what do you mean?
(Phil turns around to see the damage he's done. Silence)
Phil: graham mate im so sorry… I… i didn't see…
Neil: come on mate… we should go.
Phil: No… Graham… i didn't mean it. Graham.
(No response)
Phil: Graham… Graham… Graham…
(Neil takes phil away)
Dan: Dad?
(Three weeks later the crew catch up with phil and neil in a local park. Phil is clearly sill upset.)
Camera person: So how have you guys been?
Neil: Fine mate. We've just been ya know. Living.
Phil: yeah
Camera person: What about the band? Have you spoken to Graham?
Neil: We've tried… believe me we have but he wont pick up.
Phil: I call him every night.
Neil: I just hope he's okay.
<inside the local pub>
(The camera crew enter to find Dan and Graham sitting in the pub)
Graham: Ay up lads, long time no see. You want anything? Haha i knew you wouldn't. So… what's all this about? It's about the band isn't it… well… it's done. Its over. Extremely dangerous is no more.
(Dan under his breath)
Dan: Took long enough.
Camera person: Have you been in contact with phil or neil?
Graham: No. I'm onto new and better thing things. I've taken up taekwondo. Soon i'll be the one who's extremely dangerous haha.
Camera person: Would you want to see them again?
Graham: is this all you came here for? No. I would not.
(Graham stands up and leaves)
Dan: I hate to see dad like this. He's been crying every night. It's honestly pathetic. The band was the only thing keeping him grounded. Without it… he's a mess. If i help you… Will you organise something? Something big. Something he wont forget…
Grahman: Dan! Hurry up!
(Dan stands up and leaves)
<Inside the venue>
(Phil and neil are setting up stage to surprise graham)
Neil: Graham has always wanted a big performance. Ever since we were kids it's been his dream to be on stage. Performing. So that's what we’re gonna give him. I called up my friend john whos let us use his old stage…
(Phil drops something off screen)
Phil: oh sorry mate. My fingers are still a little greasy.
Neil: As i was saying. Johns letting up use this place for an hour to two so we gotta be quick. Let us get back to work and i'll call you when we’re done.
<Outside venue>
Graham: Dan where are we? What we doing here?
Dan: Dad, i know you've always wanted to perform…
Graham: Dan…
Dan: Dad please… they did this for you.
(Graham and Dan walk in to the venue. The camera crew follow)
Phil: Graham! Graham… i…
Graham: Phil.
Phil: I'm so sorry. I didn't see… it was an accident…
(Graham interrupts phil by hugging him)
Phil: Graham wait. I have something.
(Phil pulls out a new ukulele)
Graham: Thank you.
Neil: Quit it boys. We’re a rock band not a girl band.
Graham: Shut up neil and come here… i missed you boys… Now let's get rocking.
(The band hops on stage and pick up their instruments and stares off into the crowd)
Graham: Okay boys. This is it. Our big break. Let's turn it up to 11 and give it all we got!
(Band nods their heads. Graham turns to the microphone.)
Graham: We’re Extremely Dangerous!